PAPUA, Portrait Corner of the World.


Bandung, Speaking Papua Indonesia, we will always be directed at the topic "Wealth and poverty are equally abundant" . Wealth  showed abundant wealth of natural resources of Papua, ranging from gold, petroleum, forest products, mining products of iron, nickel, etc., it has become common knowledge. Poverty of  uniformly is indicate the economic level of people Papuans is poor inversely  with the natural state of Papua. Papua pity ..! This is a suitable word to represent my current feelings towards Papua.

Feelings of pity toward Papua suddenly changed to anger .. I saw the show Editorial MEDIA INDONESIA (Metro TV, April 20, 2011), entitled " Funds of Education and Health  Papua Deposited in the Savings of Devosito. " The findings of CPC (Auditing Agency /BPK RI) Indonesia, pointed out that there are many irregularities in funding (more than 20 trillion), which was sent down from the center by local officials. Yes I'm sure .. !  I am angry with these stupid peoples .. The news is surprising anymore, that the funds were mostly used-Poya Poya "these stupid people" to vacation to EUROPE.

Papua demanding, In the past few Papuans demanding the issuance of the Law on "Officials Must Native Papuans". After demands granted Law no. 21 Thn 2001, it turns out ..!! This intent of a handful of people are stupid ..! They freely squander money PAPUA PEOPLE. I Suggest: "Do not you guys too showed ignorance are you all, O the unscrupulous person in Papua ..!
Papua currently only a small portrait of the corner of the world, something similar might happen and you see in the area and your country. Let's opponent this arbitrariness!
Do not let those greedy fools 
who fool the people who have dropped ..!
Protect ..!
Little People Of People Stupid and Greedy .!


must_once said...

Ironi papua dan indonesia, kekayaan alamnya entah kemana...

Rina AVAIL a.k.a cik betty said...

ada pepatah menyebut begini:

si bodoh makanan si cerdik
si miskin makanan si kaya

dindasaurus said...

PAPUA...sebuah EMAS yang tersisih...aaah. ga adil banget buat mereka...dana buat bangun gedung DPR itu menurut gw lebih bagus kalo di pake buat PEMBANGUNAN di pedalaman papua.
salam blogger

d'zaro said...

@ must_once : di gondol oknum pejabat2 nya mas..!!

@ Rina Avail : jadi artinya jangan bodoh dan miskin nanti kamu dimakan , hihi !! apa tuh artinya?

@ dindasaurus : DPR gayanya ingin kelihatan lebih high class, maka nya mereka keukeuh ingin bangun gedung yang mebutuhkan lebih dari 1 T. padahal itu semua tidak berarti kalau mereka jalan2 kepedalalam PAPUA, meeka akan nagis melihat penderitaan rakyat disana!!!

Thank's to every one " ALWAYS SPIRIT ON FRIENDSHIP"

Yudi Darmawan said...

mnurut saya papua itu miskin di tanah yang kaya, pemerintah soelah gak denger apa2..

hmm, salam kenal dan salam follow mas..

Haritha said...

this information is new to me although corruption and greediness exist in every country..thats really sad

dzaro said...

$@ haritha: yes true! in each country is almost always there is corruption, let the opponent of corruption.!!

dzaro said...

$@ haritha: yes true! in each country is almost always there is corruption, let the opponent of corruption.!!

Hólabda said...

Thank you for your kind words!

Hólabda said...

Thank you for your kind words!

dzaro said...

@ kzella : Your wellcome.. I'm very happy with your visit my site!
I hope we will be a friendship forever..

Hólabda said...

Thank you for your kind words, not my knowledge of the language, together with a friend I am!

dzaro said...

@Hollabda : yes.. together we make a friendship!!

kamal said...

Aku pengin Kepapua... bagus yaa diasana

Gaphe said...

mungkin bisa dibilang salah pemerintahan lama dulu, ngasihin kontrak tahunan panjang. Bisa jadi juga ada kongkalikong juga, entahlah.. kadang miris juga liat kondisi di Papua. Sebetulnya kaya tapi masyarakatnya susah, apa-apa mahaal

dzaro said...

@ ghape : betul mas...
salah pemerintahnya..
dimana-mana yang salah itu yg mimpin..

dzaro said...
