Hold the world

We realize the border of world culture has lost ? The distance between cultures is getting lost. We often see a culture property of others used by the people around us. Thus, we often see the behavior of "strange" in our environment ...

When we are in school, we often hear the term acultrasi. An inter-cultural mixing process which produces a new culture. In ancient times, the mixing of cultures occurs due to the arrival of a group of strangers into a certain place. Unlike today, mixing culture many influenced by  media of information. The Internet is one of media's most influential pencapuran cultural.
You can imagine! Our daily activities can easily be informed to the whole world. In fact, our activities in the room of a personal nature can be informed to the world. Therefore, I can say that cultural borders are no exist. We can say "one earth one sky" / on the earth and sky the same. The big question of the conditions now are; The impact of what might happen to human life?

The world is in the grip.

Flow of information is very large, can cause changes in community attitudes. The direction of cultural change depends on the content of the information obtained. If the information is positive, the change in any society positive , and vice versa. Therefore, the group that controls the technologi information is an important element in the nature of cultural change in society. The rulers of information technologi can send everything information  to every where at world. They can direct people to the desired direction.. World in the grip of the ruler of information ...


wits said...

perubahan memang akan selalu terjadi, yg penting adalah selalu memfilter diri ini agar tak larut kepada hal-hal yang menyimpang

Rina Rahamat said...

sekarang ini dunia adalah tanpa sempadan..apa pun ada pro dan kontranya..


Hólabda said...

Sometimes I feel bad enough to shift direction. The thinking irresponsibly responsible

narti said...

semoga perubahannya ke arah yg positif :)

sda said...

semoga kita bisa mengendalikan tehnologi, jangan kita yg dikendalikan tehnologi.

dee said...

itulah kehidupan yg selalu berputar.

d'zaro said...

@ wits: mudah-mudahan kita memiliki filter yang betul-betul teruji.. trims kunjungannya dan commentnya..

@ Rina Avail: terimakasih atas kunjungan dan komennya, anda memang memang sahabt saya yg rajin..pro kontra nya asal untuk maslahat!

@ Kzella : we must keep fighting to drive the environment and our world into a better direction .. I respect your visit .. who had come from far .. hopefully we will keep this friendship ..

@ mbak narti : anda adalah senior saya sebagi blogger, saya merasa tersanjung anda bekunjung kembali.. ya ! mbak semoga kita menuju dunia yang positif..

@ sda : dan beliau ini adalah guru bagi orang tua dalam mendidik anak..
sepakat mbak semoga teknologi bisa kita kendalikan..

@ dee : Nah ini beliau adalah photografer kawakan.. hasil jepretan anda selalu menarik bagi saya... thank's untuk kunjungannya..

kepada semua saya sangat berterimakasih atas kedatangan anda semua.. mudahan-mudahan kedatangan anda menjadi penambah semangat saya ber blog ria, yang positif dan produktif.. hihi.. thanks