Japanese Tsunami

Bandung, Indonesia,  Maret,12, 2011

There are some records that we can take from the tsunami japan.
 First; the tsunami was the largest  in Japan .. 
second; the tsunami of Japanese this time managed to be clearly seen even a live broadcast. third; Japanese nation and society seems to be more calm and very alert the fourth; this time with Japanese tsunami showed that the tsunami is still a threat to the sustainability of human civilization .. fifth; this Japanese tsunami should be a lesson for anyone who witnessed it ..

planet earth getting old, so have many cases the collapse of the foundations of the earth ..
save our earth ...
Do not ruin it just because of momentary advantage ... .. stop illegal logging
reduce gas emissions ..


bandung activity said...

I hope the people of Japan were given the power ....

Kumpulan puisi said...

Musibah Datang meluluh lantahkan kesombongan manusia
janganlah Kau berfikir itu akan sulit bagi Tuhanmu
kepintaran yang kau punya seharusnya digunakan tuk memikirkan kebesaranNya
Bukan malah sebaliknya semakin jauh dariNya....